AAN Annual Meeting Press Room Policies for Industry

press room

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN), the world’s leading association of over 40,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals, welcomes industry participation at its 2024 Annual Meeting in Denver, April 13-18. The AAN Annual Meeting Press Room serves print, broadcast, and online reporters from around the world and has the following policies in effect to help facilitate news coverage of the scientific abstracts presented. The following are answers to frequently asked questions by industry regarding their involvement in media and public relations at the AAN Annual Meeting.

What is the AAN Embargo Policy?

The embargo for all non-emerging science abstracts at the upcoming 2024 AAN Annual Meeting is 4:00 p.m. ET, Thursday, March 7, 2024, which is the date and time all non-emerging science abstracts will be posted online.

  • This embargo date and time applies to all non-emerging science abstracts to be presented at the 2024 AAN Annual Meeting, being held April 13-18 in Denver, unless otherwise noted by the AAN Media and Public Relations Department.
  • When the embargo lifts on non-emerging science abstracts at 4:00 p.m. ET, Thursday, March 7, 2024, the embargo also lifts on additional research data related to but not included in the non-emerging science abstracts.
    • This includes data to be presented at the AAN Annual Meeting in presentations and posters.
    • While additional data beyond the abstract may be included in a press release after the embargo lifts, posters or slide presentations must not be shared ahead of their presentation time at the AAN Annual Meeting.
    • Presentation recordings made specifically for the AAN Annual Meeting must not be shared or republished as they are proprietary elements of the AAN Annual Meeting.
  • The AAN strictly enforces its embargo policy, which prohibits the distribution or publication of the contents of abstracts ahead of the embargo date and time. Embargoed press releases on newsworthy non-emerging science abstracts will be distributed to credentialed journalists by late February 2024.

The embargo for all emerging science abstracts to be presented at the AAN Annual Meeting remains in effect until 12:01 a.m. ET, Friday, April 12, 2024, unless otherwise noted by the AAN Media and Public Relations Department.

  • When the embargo lifts on emerging science abstracts at 12:01 a.m. ET, Friday, April 12, 2024, the embargo also lifts on additional research data related to but not included in the emerging science abstracts.
    • This includes data to be presented at the AAN Annual Meeting in presentations and posters.
    • While additional data beyond the abstract may be included in a press release after the embargo lifts, posters or slide presentations must not be shared ahead of their presentation time at the AAN Annual Meeting.
    • Presentation recordings made specifically for the AAN Annual Meeting must not be shared or republished as they are proprietary elements of the AAN Annual Meeting.
  • Emerging science abstracts are not posted online in advance of the AAN Annual Meeting.
  • Emerging science abstracts are accepted from neurologists, neuroscientists, and other researchers whose work is of major scientific importance, warranting expedited presentation and publication. Key aspects of the research must have been conducted after October 17, 2023.

For questions regarding AAN Annual Meeting policies, please send an email to media@aan.com

If promoting research on social media channels once the embargo has lifted, you are encouraged to use the official AAN Annual Meeting Hashtag #AANAM.

Who can register aS Press FOR the AAN Annual Meeting?

Credentialed reporters, writers, producers, and editors from established print, online, or broadcast news organizations may register for the AAN Annual Meeting. Representatives from industry, public relations firms, financial analyst firms, data analytics firms, advertising agency representatives, or medical communications companies are not allowed to register as press or enter the AAN Annual Meeting Press Room. Companies that are exhibitors may not request press credentials for their staff.

May our company host a PRESS conference for our client DURING THE ANNUAL MEETING?

No. This activity would count as taking the exhibit out of the Exhibit Hall, which is against AAN Annual Meeting policies and guidelines. This includes conference calls, web conferences, inviting press to Industry Therapeutic Updates, and similar organized events as they relate to the press. Only press conferences organized by AAN staff may take place on-site or in off-site locations in connection with the 2024 AAN Annual Meeting. 

Is it possible to obtain a copy of your press registration list?

No. The AAN does not share its press registration lists or its news release distribution lists with outside organizations.

How can I find out when an abstract will be presented?

A separate, searchable website is created in advance of the AAN Annual Meeting that will include information on general abstracts submitted for the 2024 AAN Annual Meeting. However, information regarding emerging science abstracts will not be posted online in advance of the AAN Annual Meeting.

Does the AAN review outside press releases?

No. The AAN is not responsible for reviewing outside materials but will hold industry representatives accountable for misrepresentation of materials. Examples include: stating that a study was presented during the AAN Annual Meeting when it wasn’t selected as part of the program, incorrectly stating an embargo date and/or time, and so forth. The AAN has the right to refuse any materials.


Industry representatives may only display press releases related to the 2024 AAN Annual Meeting abstracts on a designated table located outside the Annual Meeting Press Room in Denver, April 13-18. Press materials must be related to research presented at the AAN Annual Meeting. The scientific presentation time of the abstract featured in a press release must be clearly labeled at the top of the press release. Press releases not labeled with presentation times and other materials such as press kits, folders, brochures, and fact sheets that are left on the designated table for industry press releases will be discarded by AAN staff. 

For questions regarding policies, please send an email to media@aan.com.