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top aan advocacy successes in 2022

January 9, 2023

During 2022, Congress enacted three major pieces of legislation, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023 omnibus bills that fund the government and have additional policy riders attached to them. This legislation action was on top of a substantial amount of new regulations, including the annual physician fee schedule. Throughout the year, AAN member leadership and advocacy staff worked with policymakers in Washington, DC, to find common ground to advance the interests of our patients and profession. Here are 12 crucial ways the AAN has advocated successfully on your behalf:


Congress eliminated three-quarters of the scheduled 8.5-percent Medicare reimbursement reduction, resulting in a net two-percent reduction in payments for 2023. While the AAN recognizes that any cuts to Medicare reimbursement continue to threaten practices and patient access to care, this lesser reduction remains a hard-fought victory for neurology. But we will not let up on the pressure in 2023 with the new Congress to ensure that our practitioners receive appropriate reimbursement for their care and expertise. The AAN also provided more than 50 pages of input to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in response to the Physician Fee Schedule.


Congress extended Medicare telehealth flexibilities through December 31, 2024, including for audio-only.

High Cost of Prescription Medications

Congress enacted legislation to permit Medicare to directly negotiate the price for high-cost prescription drugs for the first time. This law also limits Part D out-of-pocket costs to a maximum of $2,000 annually for Medicare beneficiaries and limits future increases in the cost of Medicare medications to the rate of inflation.

Monoclonal Antibodies for Alzheimer’s Disease Advocacy

The AAN engaged with stakeholders and regulators in response to the controversial approval of aducanumab and the ensuing National Coverage Determination (NCD). The AAN was cited extensively in that NCD and continues to play an active role in this area as new therapies work through the FDA approval process in the coming months. Learn more.

Regulatory Relief

The AAN continues to advocate for reduced regulatory burdens across the Medicare program, including making large strides in support of bipartisan legislation that would increase transparency and streamline prior authorization in the Medicare Advantage program. The bill, the Improving Seniors Timely Access to Care Act (H.R. 3173), passed the House and garnered over 375 combined House and Senate co-sponsors. CMS also released a proposed rule that closely aligns with the bill. The Academy will continue to work with Congress to ensure that regulatory burdens do not stand in the way of physicians providing medically necessary patient care.

Medical Research

Congress enacted two government funding bills for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023, resulting in two significant increases to the National Institutes of Health and the BRAIN Initiative. Congress also enacted legislation to help reduce barriers to researching therapeutic uses of cannabis.

2022 Elections Impact

The AAN’s political action committee BrainPAC supported 148 candidates for Congress during the 2021–2022 election cycle, of which 96 percent won their election. BrainPAC supported 17 physician candidates, including two newly elected doctors, and one new senator.

Neurology Workforce

Congress approved 200 new federally funded GME slots, building on the 1,000 new slots approved a few years ago for the first time in decades.

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-racism, and Social Justice (IDEAS)

Congress enacted AAN-supported reforms aimed at enhancing diversity in clinical trials and the AAN provided recommendations to the Biden administration on promoting access to care and equity in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Care for America’s Veterans

The AAN persuaded Congress to provide at least an additional $9 million in support for the VA Neurology Centers of Excellence that focus on care for veterans with epilepsy, headache, MS, and Parkinson's disease.

Long Covid

The AAN, supported by 75 other national and state organizations, urged congressional leaders to convene hearings to explore potential solutions to significant medical and neurologic complications associated with Long Covid.

Brain Health

The AAN hosted an inaugural Brain Health Summit to bring together leading experts, key public and private sector stakeholders, and policymakers in the United States to shape the future of care, discuss brain health over the lifespan, and outline research, education, and advocacy needs.