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Core Lecture Series

Each SIGN chapter should plan to present the following topics during the academic year. The goal is to engage students that may not be sure about a career in neurology and expose them to relevant content. 

What is Neurology?

These materials will give an introductory overview about the field of neurology.

Prepared by Rachel Salas, MD, FAAN; Johns Hopkins University

What's New in Neurology?

Use this PowerPoint to showcase the recent discoveries, therapies, and research done in the field of neurology.

Prepared by Holly Hinson, MD, MCR, FAAN; Oregon Health & Science University

Careers in Neurology 



These slide decks will introduce the audience to a sampling of the various career options within the field of neurology.

Prepared by Rachel Gottlieb-Smith, MD; Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Child Neurology


Engage meeting attendees with information about advocacy and how to become a part of a larger community movement.

Prepared by Shannon Kilgore, MD, FAAN; VA Medical Center-Palo Alto